459 | Simplework
The Minimalists talk about making a workplace less cluttered and more enjoyable through the concept of “simplework.”
Discussed in this episode:
How can I use minimalism to simplify my home office? (1:54 )
How do I get my coworkers to be less messy? (23:42 )
What is the productivity fallacy? (26:32 )
Why do the pressures of my job make it less enjoyable? (31:11 )
Could delegation help me enjoy my job more? (33:59 )
How simple would the world be if everyone followed The Minimalists? (35:39 )
What would make your work life simpler and more enjoyable? (38:28 )
Listener tip: Scrolling is the new smoking! (46:52 )
Listen to the full Maximal episode on Patreon: patreon.com/theminimalists
Detailed show notes: minimalists.com/podcast
Recorded at Earthing Studios.